Thursday 21 April 2011

These Boots are made for Walking

So in awe am I with my new tramping boots that I decided that this morning would be an excellent opportunity to commence our relationship. And how better to do that than with a walk up the Biokovo Mountain to Makar and Puharici.
My first task was to work out the correct way to lace them up (passed that test), and then to walk with Grace and Dignity as though it is the most natural thing in the world for me (she who wears really high shoes to work) to walk in such huge gallumping boots! To add to the picture I did the Weekend Movie Star going to Yoga thing (cap pulled down, big sunglasses..) so that I would appear Inconspicuous. Did it work? Who knows, my eyes were averted so as not to catch anyone else’s eyes.

Next thing I knew I was marching up Put Makar as though it was the most natural thing in the world, scuffing my boots slightly so that they don’t look so new. They really are comfortable, although I guess they will be hot and sweaty, but it’s a price I’m prepared to pay.

The sides of the road were dotted with renegade red poppies and some other pink flowers, but more importantly, with wild thyme (which I picked, making sure I got a piece with roots to pop in a space on my terrace), and rosemary. The air is filled with the smell of thyme and fig trees, and the sound of hammers, sanding machines, concrete mixers and weed eaters, clearing the grass from under the olive trees. Everyone is busy after the winter, especially people preparing for the onslaught of tourists from the weekend on (its’ Easter already!).

Speaking of yoga, I joined the local gym last night to attend yoga class twice a week. The cost is 200 kuna each month – which is about $49.00. Every yoga teacher has a different style and variations of poses abound, and this was further complicated by the fact that I didn’t understand much of what was said. One of the ladies who spoke a bit of English asked me if I had tried yoga before and looked astounded when I said that I had been practicing yoga for 10 years! I obviously sucked, (and she thought that I should practice harder).
All that aside, I enjoyed it and will go back again next week.

Oh, and by the way, I'd like to introduce Ivana - just sharing the Uke Love...

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