Tuesday 17 May 2011

Bura Tuesday

There is a huge respect here for the weather and particularly for the Bura Wind. I have been told by no less than three different people (so it must be true) that it is very dangerous to be out in the Bura Wind because it whips up that salty sea mist, and the density of the salt in the sea mist is such that it will clog your lungs and you could drown. What do you think of that? Initially I was skeptical but maybe? It is the intensity of the salt in the air and the soil around the Pag area which gives the eponymous cheese its distinctive flavor, and the same applies to the grapes for the wine industry.

I kind of like the fact that this wind has a name – not just ‘the southerly´ wind as we have at home. It is personalized - I guess it has such a huge influence on peoples’ lives. Everything has to be checked to make sure it is secure so that it doesn’t blow away¸ boats rush to the safety of harbours. It’s the law of extremes. And you don’t eat an ice-cream in the Bura Wind – you can guarantee that you will end up with a cold. (Okay, maybe take that one with a grain or two of Bura salt laden air, but it happened!).
The rowing coach looked sagely out to sea – ‘no rowing, Bura is coming. This is good, it will clear the air’. Jasno.

But I’m not enjoying the weather today. One day of this rain and wind is enough when you are in a small apartment. I had a good polyprop top for this sort of weather – a running and rowing top that has seen better days but knows what is expected from it in the wind and the rain. A seasoned Tamaki River top (am I being emotional??) and last week I wore it as far as the beach (so that I didn’t look too sporty in the streets), tied it around my waist to run, and then when I got to the track through the forest, I (glupost) tied it around a tree, intending to pick it up when I returned (because it was annoying me around my waist). Sadly, you know how this story ends - stupid me. The same thing would have probably happened at home, so what was I thinking.

The tragic thing is that there are only a handful of regular people on the track, so one of these people thought that the polyprop fairy had been in town. Never mind – I am going to go to Mana store to see if I can find a sloppy old sweatshirt that I can train into a fine sports coverall. In the mean time, I don’t want to get one of the two other warm tops that I have with me wet, because I’m not sure how many days it will rain for. My Bura Wind clothes are limited.

Oh, and I have a confession to make. Those who know me well will vouch for my obsession regarding television. (Is there a word for a negative obsession?). But each evening at ten I turn on Doma TV and watch ‘Seks I Grad’ (Sex in the City) and ‘Prijatelji’ (Friends). Just for the subtitles of course. And I laugh out loud. Don’t judge me. Hvala.

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